IAM sorry for homophobic remarks I've made gay people been real cool with me.

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verse for u barack

 sayin Obama was a mistake is like fishing with osama at the lake never beat me yous a fake illest verses u know my take ;-) Obama got that ...

Mother said I'm a romantic. my style result from years of aimless reading im aimful feeding. autist!

https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/5074896454593679223/1684892603714142096 <- "right who? wrong where?"

My name is paul and I'm an addict.

those who suffered from day one without solution much like me life lived without a cushion. romance known as my existance has been dedicated to you.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

im history champ in store a cramp.

///\\\ , grin THEY WIN ALL THE TOSSES NAH THEY BETTER ASK WHO BOSS IS. i lived the life of a romantic .. oh my, jewish...they let me die a romantic. death bro, death man , death my gays...whatever man. zucky asked me "what are you a savant at? chatting?" my man i can't talk anymore how imma chat never seen a woman shy lady bread im rye. my man talkin about "u dont get horny when you smoke crack" nah my nigga WHEN DRUGS ARE INVOLVED THE ROMANTIC DISSOLVED. druggies are fucking DISGUSTING . EXCEPT ME, PAVEL PACINO...PARCISSUS. sigh man...live a fucking day in my skin...then we'll see if you use narcissist as an insult ;-P (P for parcissus) im sorry "jorge" why you were "living"..i was living IN MY SKIN...what's a dream  >>> I never paid for pussy one time it was paid for gave a girl flowers they weren't for pussy. I got pussy from the flower girls sister. yeah i'm gay ;*(

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