IAM sorry for homophobic remarks I've made gay people been real cool with me.

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verse for u barack

 sayin Obama was a mistake is like fishing with osama at the lake never beat me yous a fake illest verses u know my take ;-) Obama got that ...

Mother said I'm a romantic. my style result from years of aimless reading im aimful feeding. autist!

https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/5074896454593679223/1684892603714142096 <- "right who? wrong where?"

My name is paul and I'm an addict.

those who suffered from day one without solution much like me life lived without a cushion. romance known as my existance has been dedicated to you.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

my parents

though intimidated I ain't hated it's been debated I'm related eight bars verses dated  all has been stated number one im rated my skill is Ill yours just belated.  I saw an awful thing happen today a homeless Chinese lady who didn't speak English and collected water bottles empty ones get shoved to the ground by a Chinese man she fought back holding on to a garbage bag for dear life he yelled at her she raised her voice too makes me wonder what their culture is like back home. homeless must be looked at as evil or something and I could understand A pretense of reason but for a man to get aggressive with a WOMAN in that circumstance thats just a low blow to humanity beyond ANY CULTURAL REASON. it was bright and sunny she fight for money a woman get hit ain't nothin funny just ask the nunny shed have her runny ;/ *grin*

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