IAM sorry for homophobic remarks I've made gay people been real cool with me.

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verse for u barack

 sayin Obama was a mistake is like fishing with osama at the lake never beat me yous a fake illest verses u know my take ;-) Obama got that ...

Mother said I'm a romantic. my style result from years of aimless reading im aimful feeding. autist!

https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/5074896454593679223/1684892603714142096 <- "right who? wrong where?"

My name is paul and I'm an addict.

those who suffered from day one without solution much like me life lived without a cushion. romance known as my existance has been dedicated to you. Jigga man is black and gay always a white man? You sure are. What you think hypnosis going to get a racist remark out of me? doubt it regardless of what kind of brain damage i'm left with. as far as zuckerberg sacrificing some arab retard's life whatever I'll kill him without hypnosis. Fucking faggot go that far for a few dollars. Atleast you earned yours, marc. This guy, we'll see. Depends if their knife placement will be. What's left of my brain never did the idea of muhammad doing this for family or anyone other than himself come to me. Good lord that kind of misanthropy is damage do ego. Misanthropy just seems like the correct word. Dont remember exact meaning. Opposite of Phila. Phila was my dog at 21. Phila nthrow P. Phila start with P too.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

I've created a dragon trailed by the pink wagon.

 Mistakes might be a matter of honesty but it dont matter I'm dumb you see. :-F I STAND FOR WHAT I BELIEVE IN SO TAKE A SEAT WIT PWNED homie what u waiting for me just kill me what u hatin for me just bill me it the dirt fiction day dream fiction to friend or so it would seem with who theres I with what are we with where I'd hope a she though love aint to be anyhow man put it together, you know WHAT AND HOW I DO. THREE DAYS OF NO SLEEP Panoleon Panobarte. I rock hoes yall rock fellas my son nas said "Brilliance at hand alliance goes as planned" - Parcissus. I AIBT GOTZ NO MONEYS NO TEEFUZ N NO DRIVER LICEBSE MY FUCKING PHONE DIED DAMN cOUNSELOUR DIDNT PAY NYC AINT TAKEN CARE OF SICKLY P :-( >>AS i tell a women counterparts read short book called "Vox" by nicholson baker about a woman and a woman...chatting on a phone sex hot line it sounds perverted but it is written crazy creative and has some wit and the ending is IF I DO SAY SO MYSELF romantic just not in the feminine sense of the word IM AVAILABLE IF YOURE ABLE TO FUCK AT THE STABLE

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